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Ko -t ongane ka ya -t ka or tesa swa sa tevyan na ya -m teveni ka w- i bat'o
Ko -t ongane ka ya -t ka or tesa swa sa tevy -an na ya -m teveni ka w- i bat'o
2s -DIST hear MOD 3p -DIST say place taboo one TOP side.of -3S.POSS COMP 3p -REAL bury MOD POT- COP
v.pre -v.pre v mod v.pre -v.pre v n adj num pron n.rel.b -n.suf comp s.pron -tam v mod tam- *** n
'When you hear them say ` a sacred place ' , then it 's because they have buried something there to make it a taboo place .'
				[...wait for it...]