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ko -m yurmiline Lazarus mwe gigivetu , mwe me pwer pwer pyan , myaa mwe ate mwe me tas tevyam tevyan
ko -m yurmiline Lazarus mwe gigivetu, mwe me pwer pwer pyan, myaa mwe ate mwe me tas tevy -am tevy -an
2s -REAL forget NAME REAL trouble REAL come stay stay under hunger REAL bite REAL come sit side.of -2.POSS side.of -3S.POSS
s.pron -tam name v.pre n v.pre v v v prep n v.pre v.pre v v n.rel.b -n.suf n.rel.b -n.suf
'You forget that Lazarus was poor , he came and stayed down , he was hungry and he sat at your side , next to your table .'
				[...wait for it...]