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te misyan temeli nyosi ye -m nyurnyur ane na ka ye -m gene sye tuswa ye -m me te me lingi
te misy -an temeli nyosi ye -m dup4- nyur ane na ka ye -m gene sye tuswa ye -m me te me lingi
DISC uncle -3S.POSS child 3PC 3pc -REAL REDUP- think TRANS COMP MOD 3pc -REAL make something one 3pc -REAL come DISC come put
disc n.rel.b -n.suf n pron s.pron -tam ***- v trans comp mod s.pron -tam v n q s.pron -tam v disc v v
'the uncles of the children they think that they will do something and they come and give it'
				[...wait for it...]