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tilya map nyoo ente , swa ka te liye an vyan te te ta yen taten , swa mwe vyan ka te te an ta yen taten
tilya map nyoo ente, swa ka te liye an vyan te te ta yen taten, swa mwe vyan ka te te an ta yen taten
take T.chestnut 3p this one MOD DIST take 3S.POSS go DISC cut cut in shit one REAL go MOD DIST cut 3S.POSS cut in shit
v v pron dem num mod tam v pron.poss v disc v v prep n num v.pre v mod tam v pron.poss v prep n
'They took the chestnuts , as one of them took his chestnuts and cut them , he cut into shit , another one went and when he cut his chestnuts , he cut into shit .'
				[...wait for it...]